Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him. ~Proverbs 22:15

Park Service losing $76 million a day in shutdown

Posted: 2013-10-16

By   /   October 15, 2013 

AP photo

AP photo

THIS LAND IS OUR LAND: A few hundred veterans, families and supporters participate in a “March on the Memorials” Sunday in Columbia Park in Kennewick, Wash.

By Kenric Ward |

WASHINGTON, D.C.  — Every day that America’s national parks remain shut down, $76 million is lost at the “Barrycades.”

Last year, the country’s 410 parks and monuments hosted 715,000 visitors a day. Turned away by padlocked gates and officious orange cones, the flow of tourists has dwindled to a trickle – and so has the revenue.

In addition to the $76 million in lost daily visitor spending, $450,000 in daily campground fees and boat rentals has also dried up, according to data compiled by a Park Service organization.

“These figures are mind-boggling and only begin to capture the full economic shock of locking up the crown jewels of America,” groused Maureen Finnerty, president of theCoalition of National Park Service Retirees.

But not to worry, though. The Statue of Liberty, one of the NPS’ top money makers, re-opened over the weekend,but only after New York state taxpayers’ ponied up the money.

Magnanimously, the NPS said barricades will come down at other national sites, too — if states cough up enough money.

So where’s the savings in this shutdown? Certainly not at the national parks.

And, really, nowhere else, since furloughed federal employees, including park rangers, are due to receive full back pay when they finally return to duty.

See a breakdown of the national parks and their losses here.

Also, read Federal tourist blockades called ‘vindictive’ in Virginia.

Kenric Ward is a national reporter for and chief of the Virginia Bureau. Contact him at or at (571) 319-9824. @Kenricward

Part of 49 in the series Shutdown 2013
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  7. Shutdown sparks New Jersey confusion about Obamacare
  8. Biggest education impact from shutdown? Furloughed bureaucrats
  9. Federal shutdown could furlough 57,000 Virginians
  10. ‘Business as usual’ for PA state government as feds prepare for shutdown
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  12. Only government you don’t know about could go away in Illinois
  13. Shutdown? NM seems OK on the state level, but federal workers will feel the pinch
  14. WI congressional delegation soldiers on in Obamacare-shutdown battle
  15. Shutdown? What shutdown? States will carry on despite impasse in Washington
  16. McAuliffe tries to ride shutdown to victory in November
  17. NM delegation on gov’t shutdown: It’s the other side’s fault
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  19. U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin: I’m shutting down, too
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  48. How to make NM less vulnerable to federal gov’t shutdowns
  49. Are senators playing selective service in shutdown politics?

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