Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised. ~Proverbs 31:30
Vote No On The Gilbert Override!
Islamists Run The Largest Charter School Network In the USA!
The 135 charter schools associated with the Gulen Movement (GM) enroll more than 45,000 students and comprise the largest charter school network in the United States — all of which are fully funded by American taxpayers. Fethullah Gulen has been under investigation by the government since 2011. Although the GM and the Muslim Brotherhood ( MB) are not known to be linked, the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) is a known terrorist front group that has succeeded in influencing public education in America.MORE>
Published on Mar 19, 2014
Gilbert elections 2014
COMMON CORE: Julie Smith Asks Huppenthal To Pull Arizona Out Of Common Core (Update)
Published on Oct 1, 2013 Published on Sep 1, 2013 East Valley NewsNet ~Presents~ Common Core:School Board Member Asks John Huppenthal To Pull Arizona Out Of Common Core On Tuesday August 27, 2013, at the Gilbert Public Schools Governing Board Meeting, board member Julie Smith asked John Huppenthal, Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction to pull Common Core out of Arizona. ( For the latest East Valley news visit EVNN on the web: www,EastValleyNewsNet.com on youtube: EastValleyNewsNet channel )
Shane Stapley Speaks To Higley Lame Ducks 11-13-12Gilbert Students Exploited In Shameless Propaganda Film
By Shane Stapley - Former GPS Board Member, on September 25th, 2012
GilbertSchools.Info website tech support and site manager Shane Stapley recently received a legal complaint regarding a past article posted on the site. The article: “Did the 2007 Voter Approved Override Buy what GPS Promised?” was the substance of the complaint issued by Barb VeNard’s (GPS Assistant-Superintendent) legal representatives. The complaint claims that the article contains false and defamatory information with a “cease and desist” demand. Click: VeNard-SLAPP to see the complaint letter received from Mrs. VeNard’s attorney.
So what about the article that caused all the Hub-Bub?? More...
No Wonder GPS Wants More Money-See Where The Money Went
Westie Connect 10-14-13
We wonder why Gilbert Public Schools protects the Loose Zipper Brigade with such intensity. As Karma would have it, some important information fell into our laps during one of our recent visits to GPS to review public records.
The Loose Zipper Brigade presides over an enormous amount of money that comes from Title I and Title II grants. We found the 2011 report for those funds, which were supposed to be used for “improving teacher quality.” When you see how GPS actually spent this money,...
This tells you all you need to know about why the Override is not necessary in Gilbert. Per pupil spending has increased at a rate that significantly outpaces inflation, while the % of dollars spent in the classroom has declined. Where have they spent all the money?
Gilbert Unified School District Parent LD12 Precinct Committeeman
The 2012-2013 Gilbert school year operated on a $300 million plus budget. The school district operates with funding from multiple sources, including state tax dollars, federal tax dollars, primary property taxes, secondary bond monies, the current override, some corporate/private funding, plus additional fees collected from parents (e.g., fees for certain classes, sports, parking, etc.). Throughout the year, Gilbert Unified School District receives hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations and equipment, including laptop computers. Citizens also donate money every year which they can deduct from their state tax return in the form of a tax credit. The School District uses this money for curricular activities.
Please click the “Read More” link below for the rest of the story.
Former Gilbert Public Schools Governing Board Shoots Down Prayer At Board Meetings 9-4-12:
Mesa’s God is UNWELCOME in Gilbert
By GPSInformer, on September 10th, 2012
In Congress, in Washington D.C., in Arizona’s State Legislature, and even in Mesa’s School Board meetings, before any business is conducted, one of the first items on the agenda is to start the meeting with prayer. In Gilbert’s school board meetings, this is not the case… nor has it been for some time. But for now… it’s the way it will be, because the God of our Congress, our State Legislature, and even Mesa’s board meetings, is not welcome in Gilbert’s. Moreover, board members have decided it’s not even worth discussion.
On Sept 4, 2012 during a GPS school board meeting held at district offices, an item appeared on the agenda to allow discussion of opening future board meetings with a non-denominational invocation. More...
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