For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath. Matthew 13:12

Signs In Gilbert That Say "Destroy Public Education"

Posted: 2013-10-21

Letter to the East Valley Tribune from Gilbert Watch - sent October 19, 2013

In response to Mr. Chiazza’s recent letter to the editor, I too find it quite disturbing that radicals are putting up signs saying “Destroy Public Education.” However, the group that placed these signs are not those who oppose the override. They were placed by people who want the property tax override to pass.  They hoped that their deception would cause voters to jump to an inaccurate conclusion, just as Mr. Chiazza did.    


If you look closely at those deceptive signs that look strikingly similar to the honest signs, you will see there is no website identified.  Neither will you see any indication of the group that paid for them.  Rather than being transparent and identifying the responsible party, the opposition prefers to deceive.  If you look very closely you will see a hand-written name and phone number on the back.  The phone number is a VOIP phone number (internet connection phone).  Several people have called the number and left messages.  Nobody has called back.


Those who oppose the override want transparency and accountability.  They want to improve public education, not destroy it.  Those who want more of the taxpayers’ money have shown they are willing to use whatever shameful tactics it takes to achieve their end, even if it means deceiving and insulting Gilbert voters. 

 (email on October 20,2013)

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