For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved ~John 3:20

Where does your compassion lay?

Posted: 2014-07-21

7-21-14 EVNN Staff Writer 

            10’s of thousands of children are streaming across the US southern border and we feel sorry for them so we want to reach out to them. Glenn Beck has raised $2,000,000 to help the children from Latin America who made it to the US border. But, where does your compassion lay? Should we take them in? If so, how many should we take in?

            Would you personally adopt one of them? How about adopting 5? If every American were to adopt 5 people (I am including 5 adoptions to each American child as well) who want to come to America, there would still be billions more who want to immigrate here.

            What if one of those kids had a communicable disease like tuberculosis and one of your biological children contracted it and died. Would it be worth it then? If one of those children turned out to be an MS13 gang member who raped, robbed and murdered your family and then fled. Would it be worth it then?

            Thousands of people coming across the borders are child rapists, slavers, coyotes, drug mules, murders, thieves, jihadists and common thugs. Do you want to take them in too?

            Do you know how many of those refugees are sold into slavery, including sex slavery? Do you approve of the fact that rape is often part of the toll for being ferried across the border by coyotes? Do you mind that many of these refugees are “drafted” to smuggle drugs as part of their toll to enter the US? Does it bother you that thousands are murdered so that Americans can have their marijuana, crack, meth, heroin, and child prostitutes? Should we make anything legal so that that this will stop? If Americans stop engaging in illegal drug use and sex crimes would things get better for these poor people? Where does your compassion lay?

            What if we just let the government put them into orphanages and concentration camps and used tax dollars to care for them? How much money would you be willing to give up to feed and house each? Prisoners in the US cost over $30,000 each per year to care for. Your bill for the care of 5 people comes to at least $150,000 per year. How will you come up with that money?

            If we don’t control our borders Americans will soon be among those who need financial assistance because of our uninvited guests. Then where will we go to escape our immigrant induced poverty?

            But should we even be helping children from Honduras who are streaming across our borders? The average income in Honduras is $13 per day. The average Honduran is hoping to save up enough money to buy a motor scooter or even a car.

            But there are billions of people on earth that are much worse off than that.

            The federally delineated poverty line in the US is about $11,000 or $30 per day.

            In 115 countries (exactly half of the countries on earth) the average income is $30 per day or less and, in most cases, a lot less.

            There are over 500,000,000 people in China who live on less than $3 per day. Shouldn’t we try to help them first? Where does your compassion lay?

            In Asia and Africa there are 1,000,000,000 people who live on $1 per day or less. Many of these people are hoping to save up enough money to buy a bicycle.

            China has over 1,000 concentration camps (yes, as of 2014). The slaves therein exist in a living hell working 16 hours a day, 7 days a week with no days off. Each day they have a choice to eat or sleep because there is not enough time for both. Those who lose interest in their work are singled out for “special attention”. If torture doesn’t motivate them, they are simply shot in the back of the head and buried in an unmarked hole in the ground along with thousands of other “slackards”.

            If you survive your sentence, you might graduate to “forced job placement”. The only difference between the concentration camp (Lao Gai) and forced job placement is that in the later you get paid 5 cents a day, which is not a “living wage” anywhere in the world.

            You can be placed in China’s elaborate slavery system at any time and on any whim of the authorities. There is no due process, no 5th amendment rights and no trial by a jury of your peers. Where does your compassion lay? Who is in most need of help?

            Over 1 billion people on planet earth make less than $1 per day. Hundreds of millions of people on earth are hoping someday they can save up enough money to buy a pair of shoes. Where does your compassion lay?

            Who should we help first? Those who make less than a dollar a day or the relatively wealthy Hondurans who make $13 per day? Are you willing to accept a lower standard of living so that there will be enough money to help people who already have a lower standard of living than you? What is the best way to help the most people? Or, do you just want to take care of whoever makes it across the US border? Where does your compassion lay?



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