Sorrow is better than laughter: for by the sadness of the countenance the heart is made better ~Ecclesiastes 7:3

Border Patrol Agents Contract Diseases - UN In Control

Posted: 2014-07-23

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHRC) has previously met with officials from the U.S., Mexico and various Central American countries on the pretense of labeling the thousands of illegal immigrants as refugeesIndeed, the United Nations is now categorizing the present wave of immigrants as refugees from political and domestic violence that are merely seeking asylum in the United States. By declaring this to be the case, the United Nations is “lawfully” exerting their international power to force the United States to openly take in any and all refugees with welcoming arms, at the expense of the American taxpayer.

A Chance Encounter

Nearly three weeks ago while traveling to San Diego on Interstate 8, I had a chance encounter with a Border Patrol Agent in a convenience store located in Yuma, AZ. I approached him and gave him my business card. I promised the agent complete anonymity with regard to any questions that he would answer. He reluctantly agreed to answer my questions. In response to my questions about the health risks posed by illegal immigrants, he stated that Border Patrol Agents have contracted drug resistant TB,scabies that can carry more serious illnesses and bacteriological pneumonia. As an aside, one of Arizona’s most prominent physicians, Dr. Jane Orient, has been told the same by Border Patrol Agents whistleblowers and she stated so on my show on July 13th.

Some Border Patrol Agents Are “FED” Up

Last night, this same Border Patrol Agent called me at the number on my business card. He stated that he had been reading my articles and that he felt that I was expressing a deep understating of the problem. However, he unequivocally stated my knowledge of UN involvement on the border was significantly outdated and understated.  He stated that “the UN is already here” and he has seen clear evidence that “they are calling the shots on the border”.

This agent claims that he has encountered UN personnel at the detention facilities that he and fellow agents take the illegal immigrants to after arresting them. I asked him how he knew there were UN representatives at the border, he said he saw the proof in the sign-in sheets at the detention centers. Also, he noted that members of the World Health Organization have been in attendance as well. So, Dr. Jane Orient’s fears of a pandemic invasion may indeed be well-founded.

Throughout the course of his duties, the agent has learned that UN personnel are making decisions on which immigrants to send to what location inside of the United States. He said he has seen the UN personnel and DHS agents gathering MS-13 gangsters, captured from different roundups, patch worked together as a group and then shipped together to various locations on the perimeter of the United States. He knows this because some of his colleagues are involved in the transport of these illegal aliens. The agent’s partner, also on the phone, stated that “I objected to admitting MS-13 gangsters into the United States and I was told that we have our orders to treat them like anyone else”.

I asked the agent how he knew these were MS-13 and he said you can tell “by the tattoos”. He recounted the fact that MS-13 operatives will have a tattoo with tears on their face which represents a person that they have murdered in the commission of their drug related duties. He said he processed an MS-13 member who had 9 tears on his face and he was told to process him as an “unaccompanied juvenile refugee”.

Read more at D.C. Clothes Line

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