For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works. ~Matthew 16:27

Common Core And Overrides

Posted: 2013-10-26


Each of you in your communities, whether you are in Arizona or another state, are probably seeing School Override or School Bond Issues coming up on your November elections... or whenever your state or community runs their special elections.

In traveling the state of Arizona the past few weeks, I see the signs in every community: Vote YES on School Override. Vote YES on School Bond Issue.   Oddly, I have not seen one sign in opposition to these new taxes for the school systems.

Check your property tax bill that was sent to you a couple of months ago and do the (new common core) math.  Chances are more than 50% of your property tax now goes to education - 'for the children?'

Does it strike you as odd that so many school districts around the country, much less Arizona, are seeking new tax money this year or last?  Why are so many of these districts suddenly needing new money?

Answer: Common Core!  A YES vote goes to implement funding for Common Core!  Smaller schools in every district need new money to buy computers for every student down to first grade!  To buy iPads for every student down to first grade! Studies show that students below 7th grade who exclusively learn and take tests on computers never learn critical thinking skills.  If they don't learn critical thinking skills, they can't solve problems, think creatively, break out of the robot box.  They won't be able to write creatively, create art, music, new inventions & technology, medical research, design projects, people management, new business development because all of these professions require critical thinking skills.

Please contact everyone wherever you are where school tax issues are coming up for vote and tell them to vote NO and tell them why!  

Sound the alarm!!

For liberty,

The AFA Team 

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School Overrides 2013 Article Summary
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