The Loathsome Phoenix New Times - 6,690 Hate-Filled Articles Against Russell PearcePosted: 2014-09-28 9-24-14 (reprinted with permission from Gilbert Watch) There is far more that the public needs to know than has been reported about Russell Pearce's so-called "insensitive comments," and I intend to report it. Then, and only then, will I "move on." It wasn’t the "mainstream" media that originally published the misleading story about Russell Pearce’s comments. It was Stephen Lemons of the tabloid Phoenix New Times. It’s important that Republicans know about Lemons, who calls himself the “feathered bastard,” and about the Phoenix New Times. Both are infamous for their venomous articles against Republicans and, in particular, conservatives. Stephen Lemons has made a career out of stalking Russell Pearce, trolling for anything that can be turned into dirt, attaching a lurid title and publishing it. To say that the man is merely obsessed with destroying Pearce and his livelihood assumes that Lemons is sane. Don’t you think that 6,690 hate-filled articles against one person is a tad suspect? I wouldn’t give the Phoenix New Times or any of its shiftless, creepy writers the time of day, much less an interview. (I’d have to take a shower afterward to wash off the slime.) Here’s a link to those (at last count) 6,690 articles. That's 690 pages of titles, 10 to a page. Click HERE for Lemons' "breaking news" original article. Lemons bragged in a later article against Pearce: “I was the first to report Pearce's statements. It's safe to say that if I had not reported them, the story would not have been picked up by other outlets, such as The Raw Story, which posted a clip of the radio show on YouTube.” Click HERE for that article. Imagine if somebody stalked you 24/7 for the last 7 years, trolling for something, anything, and then twisting it to be used against you. If you scratch the surface of the Phoenix New Times tabloid chanters just a little, you would discover that everything that has been published by them against Pearce is either a lie or a half-truth. The problem with a half-truth is that, when it comes to the New Times, you most likely got the wrong half. Why the Visceral Hatred for Russell Pearce?Why has this bunch of low-lifes got Russell Pearce in its crosshairs? For the same reason he was targeted for the Recall: Senate President Russell Pearce crafted most of SB1070. Nearly three years ago, I wrote an article which was published in American Thinker about who was behind the Recall and why. Click HERE to read "Leftist Recall Strikes Architect of SB1070 in Arizona." Also, Russell Pearce was an extremely effective state legislator, which made him an equally serious threat to Arizona’s Left. See The Russell Pearce Record. Phoenix New Times and Sex Trafficking of Children.Phoenix New Times is owned by the Village Voice Media, the same company that owns, which is the largest source for adult services listings on the Internet. Its ads for “escort services,” includes selling children’s sexual services to pedophiles. Sex trafficking is a multi-million dollar business. The two primary share holders of Village Voice Media are Michael Lacey and Jim Larkin, founders of the Phoenix New Times. See Village Voice Pimps. See also Where Pimps Peddle their Goods. This sleaze has gonemostly unreported locally. In fact, you often must go to media outlets outside of the United States to find out what's going on inside our country. Click HERE for a link to the Daily Mail UK News article titled "Teenage girls sue as they claim controversial sex website is responsible for their trafficking." Here is some rare local reporting by ABC 15 News. See "MCSO: 51 arrests include prostitution on" Here's a quote: "They (MCSO) discovered the prostitute's information came from, a website owned and operated by the Phoenix-based Village Voice Media group, which also owns Phoenix New Times." Republicans Go off the RailsIt pains me to say this right now when we should be exposing how far to the Left the Democrats have become in our state legislature. However, when some of our Republican candidates went off half-cocked and started "condemning" Russell Pearce, based on the Leftist word of Stephen Lemons, it was one of the most appalling acts of disloyalty I’ve ever witnessed. No wonder Republicans are leaving the party, when their own leaders behave like buzzards picking the bones of a comrade that their enemy just shot down. Republicans Who Put on their Thinking CapsHere is the Truth about former Senator Pearce’s comments from people who bothered to do some fact checking: Click on these links: Russell Pearce responds to Mainstream Media Frenzy, published by the Intellectual Conservative, and "Russell Pearce Stands Tall as an American Patriot," which was published by the Arizona Conservative. His unforgivable mortal sin was, in his haste, to not attribute his remarks to this November 2010 letter: "Fixing Social Security; Put me in charge of welfare, Medicare and housing grants." See Also: SB1070 Turns Three While Amnesty Looms Russell Pearce Show Tonight: Boycott Phoenix New Times Businesses are Coming to Arizona since Passage of SB1070.
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