Correcting Political Correctness: How To Speak Conservative - Part 4 - Gay Marriage Posted: 2014-11-30 EVNN Editor
Correcting Political Correctness: How To Speak Conservative - Part 4 – Gay Marriage
Gay Marriage
Please refer to Part 1 of this series (Correcting Political Correctness: How To Speak Conservative – Part 1) in order to better understand the premise of this “dictionary” if you will.
The tragedy of the issue of “Gay Marriage” is that it has nothing to do with “Gays” or ”Marriage”. Homosexuality and other forms of sexual orientation have become a means to an end and that end is tyranny. We have seen how government officials have demanded to see the sermons of pastors in order to “defend” the “rights” of “Gays”. We have seen photographers, bakers and the owners of wedding venues sued for objecting to participating in immoral activities. The end game here is that the government has used it’s force in order to further insert itself into the lives of individuals and thus making us all less free-including homosexuals. There are a lot of “Politically Correct” terms being used here: “Gay”, “marriage”, “rights” and so forth.
Once again the goal is to create social chaos so that there will be conflict, protests followed by rioting in the streets which are to be followed by “change” or greater tyranny (please see previous articles in this series).
The term “Gay” was used to try to normalize homosexuality thereby opening the door for government to insert itself ever more into people’s lives-everyone’s lives. If homosexuals ever figure out how they have been played, there will be hell to pay.
It is better to refer to all this as simply “social anarchy”.
Correcting Political Correctness: How To Speak Conservative - Part 1 – Class Struggle
Correcting Political Correctness: How To Speak Conservative - Part 2 – The Protest
Correcting Political Correctness: How To Speak Conservative - Part 3 – Change
Correcting Political Correctness: How To Speak Conservative - Part 4 – Gay Marriage