Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness. ~Matthew 23:27

Correcting Political Correctness: How To Speak Conservative - Part 6 - Progressives

Posted: 2014-12-24

EVNN Editor 12-24-14

Correcting Political Correctness: How To Speak Conservative - Part 6 – Progressives




Please refer to Part 1 of this series (Correcting Political Correctness: How To Speak Conservative – Part 1) in order to better understand the premise of this “dictionary” if you will.


            In the last installment of this series, I spoke a bit about Marxo-Fascists that call themselves “Liberals”. Now I would like to address the term “Progressive” because a true “Progressive” is a Marxist.

            There have been three basic waves of Marxism:

1)      Economic Justice

2)      Social Justice

3)      Environmental Justice


Economic justice was all about bringing into conflict the laborers or proletariat, and the bourgeoisie or wealthy middle class leading to blood in the streets and eventually utopia. As we know, Marx’s theory failed miserably because Marxism does not lead to a classless society but a dystopian police state where all the power lies in the hands of a minority elite which is even worse than monarchy or colonialism.

            Social Justice is all about bringing people into conflict through demographics: black against white, homosexual against heterosexual, female against male, citizens against the police, and so on and so forth ad nauseum. As we are seeing now in America, with more blood in the streets, this is leading us towards a dystopian police state where all the power lies in the hands of a minority elite which is even worse than monarchy or colonialism.

            Environmental Justice is about the planet against people and leading to blood in the streets and a dystopian police state where all the power lies in the hands of a minority elite which is even worse than monarchy or colonialism.

            I have greatly simplified the explanation of Marxism here because to try to wrap one’s head around such tortured philosophy might drive a person insane so lets not go there. The results of this phylosophy is easy enough to see and that is really all we need to see.

            I make a distinction between so called “Liberals” who are really Marxo-Fascists and so called “Progressives” who are also Marxo-Fascists. The distinction is the former are useful idiots who don’t understand where they got their stupid ideas and the true “Progressive” who does understand and is a religious zealot who embraces the nonsense of Marxism. Marxism truly is a religion because people believe in it no matter how often if fails. “Progressives” cling to the most bizarre fairy tales about their visions for the future in spite of the overwhelming evidence against their theories.

            But the conversation here is abouat changing the way we speak. Indeed, so called “Progressives” are Marxists and totalitarians who want to micromanage everything from the light bulbs you buy to the words you can use as dictated by “Political Correctness” and the thoughts that are in your head as a result of this.

            Let’s get back to the facts. William Ayers, Weather Underground founder, and Communist revolutionary, describes himself as “a socialist on the government level and an anarchist on the social level”. These things are seemingly at odds but it is true that the more anarchy there is in the street then the more excuse the government has to take more power.

             So you can call them Regressives, Marxists, Neo-Marxists, Cultural Marxists, Anarco-Communists, Communists, Communitarians, Totalitarians, Marxo-Fascists, Scumbags, Lowlifes, jerks or a whole host of other adjectives but the LAST thing you should call them is “Progressives”. Stop using that term and the conversation will change in a more positive direction.

            The real progressives are the Tea Party folks because constitutional principles are what lead to a true classless society and real freedom.


Correcting Political Correctness: How To Speak Conservative - Part 1 – Class Struggle

Correcting Political Correctness: How To Speak Conservative - Part 2 – The Protest

Correcting Political Correctness: How To Speak Conservative - Part 3 – Change

Correcting Political Correctness: How To Speak Conservative - Part 4 – Gay Marriage

Correcting Political Correctness: How To Speak Conservative - Part 5 – Liberals

Correcting Political Correctness: How To Speak Conservative - Part 6 – Progressives

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