And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. ~Luke 9:23
Where does it stop?Posted: 2015-06-24
Don Kennedy 6-24-15
Our most precious First Amendment right is under attack by those who want to control our freedom of speech—even our freedom of thought which is closely tied to freedom of speech. After all, speech is the articulation of thought, isn’t it?
Who are they? Well...almost any political minority group which is supported by the Left (Communist Party USA and the progressive liberal Demorats). You can bet your last dollar it isn’t our military or a majority of the population of the U. S.
Recently, it was determined the Confederate flag which flies (flew) from the South Carolina capitol building was offensive to some. It could cause ill feeling and riots, you know. So, the Governor of SC decides to take it down thanks to minority pressure.
A minority has spoken in such a way that an historical symbol is about to become relegated to the dustbin of historical thought all because it might be offensive to someone. The Civil War was offensive to many people, but it was fought, nevertheless. By the way, that flag was put into place by a Demorat governor in 1962. We haven’t heard much about that. Why is it suddenly odious now? Political correctness?
Looks like a classic case of the minority controlling the majority because the majority is silent and the minority is very vocal, and has friends in high places.
Perhaps the replacement flag will be the four-colored LGBT banner. That scenario doesn’t make much sense in SC, but it might work in California. Let’s hope for the best with the Stars and Bars flying soon with the Confederate flag just below it.
The loss of our freedom is intentionally perpetrated by our political leaders in an incremental way so the electorate won’t be aware or disturbed. Makes perfect sense to those who would have America become a dictatorship. Does anyone come to mind?
It’s time for the silent majority to awaken and roar with the lions of liberty before it’s too late.
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