As a jewel of gold in a swine's snout, so is a fair woman which is without discretion. ~Proverbs 11:22

About That Suitcase "Clock"

Posted: 2015-09-23


- The Mohammad family is CAIR connected; 
- They attend the same Mosque that planned to bring the Sharia Tribunal to Irving, TX - the same Tribunal that Mayor Van Duyne had shut down; 
- The Father is an Islamist with many "colorful" connections 
- The school that Ahmed Mohammad attended (McAthur) is only 10% White, so no allegations of this so-called "racism" could stand; 
- The clock itself looks suspect...was it built from scratch, or did Ahmed took apart a store-bought clock to bring about the confrontation?; 
- The family cancelled the meeting with the school officials / no-showed several times. Instead brought Press Conference;
- CAIR is all over this deal; 
- The kid was being coached by his sister during the interviews 
- All these "race" allegations, yet no lawsuit, because of potential discovery; 
- Kid did not cooperate with the Irving PD, yet, was zealous talking to the Press; 

# Beth Van Duyne #IstandwithBeth 


Question for DMN's Avi Selk - are you capable of writing an impartial and accurate piece about Irving or its mayor?

Please see the latest Selk story below. Avi Selk attributes a quote to me giving advice to a Muslim dad. Problem is I DIDN'T say it.

Please watch the video link at 18:16 minutes into the interview. It is clear I did not make those statements. But even more troubling is the consistent pattern of misinformation and misrepresentation Avi continues to spread about a successful and thriving city and its residents.

I'm proud to live in Irving. I'm proud of its police department, schools, diversity, residents and businesses. It's too bad Avi couldn't care less about all of Irving's past and continued success to foster a strong city where our population is growing, new businesses are moving and families are proud to call home.

Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne, Glenn Beck discuss conspiracy theories about 14-year-old’s clock


By Avi Selk
Published: September 22, 2015 11:05 am

Was a 14-year-old boy’s attempt to show his teachers a hand-wired clock actually part of an elaborate Islamist conspiracy designed to weaken America in advance of violent jihad?

A total lack of evidence for that theory hadn’t stopped wide swaths of the country from speculating that brainy Irving ISD student Ahmed Mohamed had a plan all along—that powerful Muslim organizations coached him to trick police into handcuffing him and briefly labeling his clock a “hoax bomb."

Among the conspiracy theorists is former Fox News host Glenn Beck, who elaborated on his suspicions in an interview with Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne, posted this morning and embedded above.
“My theory: for some reason Irving is important to the Islamists,” Beck told the mayor in his Las Colinas studio. “And you pissed them off, and now this is a dog whistle.”

Van Duyne—who even before Ahmed became an international story had given speeches promoting rumors that Muslims were trying usurp American laws—laughed and looked down at the sofa.

“Is it possible that’s true?” Beck pressed.

“It’s nothing I want to have to face,” the mayor replied. “I would hate to think that’s true.”

Van Duyne sat before a camera for half an hour, between Beck and a vice president with the Center for Security Police—a national group whose web page currently sports the headline: “Civilization Jihad on Display in Irving, Texas.”

“It’s a staged event,” said the group’s VP, James Hanson. The mayor was mostly silent as the two men traded theories. “She obviously has reason to be a little more circumspect,” Hanson observed later.

But the mayor repeatedly hinted that there was more to the story about a boy and his clock. At one point she even called Ahmed’s clock a “hoax bomb,” making finger quotes in the air as she used a term that even Irving police have backed off calling the device. (I’ve asked Van Duyne if she has seen any information we haven’t. Still waiting to hear back.)

The mayor said police and school officials have been getting death threats since the news went worldwide, for which she blamed the media, President (and Ahmed supporter) Barack Obama, and ultimately the boy’s father for letting him bring his gadget to school.

“If you’re a Muslim dad in today’s society [you should say], you know, ‘Hey, son. What are you doing? Don’t,” Van Duyne said.

But the mayor didn’t speak for her entire city. Also on Tuesday, Irving City Hall’s communications department drafted a statement that contradicted the most popular conspiracy theories.

The police “investigation determined the student apparently did not intend to cause alarm bringing the device to school,” the statement read.

But on Glenn Beck’s show with the mayor, the theories only got more sinister as the tape rolled on.

“I don’t think it’s a coincidence. The last step is total confrontation,” Beck said towards the end of the interview. “Any doubt this is the final throes of weakening us to the point where we don’t ask any questions to be ready for final confrontation?”

“We must lay down and submit,” Hanson chimed in.

The mayor said nothing.

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