But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first. ~Matthew 19:30

Socialist Utopia California has worst 'quality of life' in US, study says

Posted: 2018-03-01

By Gregg Re, Christopher Carbone | Fox News | 3-1-18

[EVNN Editor's note: Californians might soon take a liking to corn and move to Iowa since that state is on the opposite end of the spectrum when it comes to quality of life. I wonder if the fascists in Sacremento care one wit about what their “Progressive” policies have done to average people. And, as long as they have their Soviet style equality for the masses, what does it matter to the wealthy-wine-snob-give-me-a-lot-of-open-space-to-train-for-my-fun-run-Silicon-Valley-hand-in-your-pocket-global-corporation-with-a-thousand-lobbyists-China-ass-kissing-employee and so called “Liberal” care? They will cry it is those Red-state people who are at fault (wait, isn't red their color?)]


Awards season is in full swing in California, and the Golden State just took home a booby prize of its own.

California ranks dead last among U.S. states in quality of life, according to a study by U.S. News, ranking behind New Jersey (49th) and Indiana (48th). The ignominious honor reflects California's low marks in the sub-categories of environmental quality and social engagement. The latter category measures voting participation and community bonds.

Californians scored poorly in part because they're simply insufferable, U.S. News suggested. "In addition to a healthy environment, a person's quality of life is largely a result of their interactions with those around them," the magazine wrote in a blurb accompanying the results.

One way to measure quality life is whether residents can even afford to have a roof over their heads, and by that standard, California is failing. A 2017 Harvard University report said that one-third of renters in the Los Angeles area are "severely rent burdened," meaning they spend at least half their income on housing. The median rent for a one-bedroom apartment in Los Angeles County has increased 67%, according to Zillow's Rent Index, the Los Angeles Times reports.

Homelessness has surged a stunning 75 percent in the last six years, the Los Angeles Times reports, and there are now at least 55,000 homeless people in the county.

U.S. News ranked each state in seven other areas, which were weighted based on a survey that determined their importance to the public: health care, education, economy, opportunity, infrastructure, crime and corrections, and fiscal stability. 

California finished

No. 43 in fiscal stability,

No. 46 in opportunity, and

No. 38 in infrastructure.

California ranked No. 32 among all U.S. states overall, behind New York (25th), New Jersey (19th), and Florida (15th).

Which state has the best quality of life?

Iowa, which scored highly in infrastructure and health care, took the top spot overall.



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