Therapies for Unwanted Same-Sex Attraction Are Effective, Study FindsPosted: 2018-08-17 [EVNN Editor Note: Once again a report reflecting the obvious, that turning away from sin is good for you, is vehemntly attacked by so called Medical Professionals (read APA).
"The study, "Effects of Therapy on Religious Men Who Have Unwanted Same-Sex Attraction," which was first published July 23 in The Linacre Quarterly, finds that sexual orientation change efforts (SOCE), often derisively called "conversion therapy," improves the mental health of participants. Researchers surveyed 125 male residents of the United States. The men, mostly Christian, were at various stages of experiencing unwanted same-sex attraction. Some were sexually active while others were abstaining from sex."
"The study counters the assertions and recommendations of the APA that efforts aimed at reducing same-sex attractions are unsafe and damaging to mental health and well being."
----And, since this study finds that such therapy is often good for the mental health of paricipants, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) "discredits" it.-----
"APA has and will continue to call on mental health professionals to work to reduce misunderstanding about and prejudice toward gay and transgender people."