What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops. ~Matthew 10:27

FWI Films Debunk Myths of Sexual Rights Agenda

Posted: 2013-12-11

(EMAIL From Family Watch International 4-17-13

A recent report from the Caribbean is merely one more example of how the documentaries that FWI has produced and posted online are having a major positive impact in the fight to defend the family.

Our documentary, Cultural Imperialism: The Sexual Rights Agenda, has stirred a national debate in Barbados and a public discussion on their most popular call-in radio program.

Although the host, a noted sexual rights activist named Peter Wickham, vilified FWI in the most caustic terms for producing the film, he was compelled to discuss Cultural Imperialismbecause he knew the impact it was having.

For example, one caller on his show remarked that a particular section of the film affected him deeply.  He explained that that when an African AIDS orphan, Afonso, talked about how promoting abstinence to stop AIDS could save the UN lots of time and money, this caused him to understand  how that simple truth, if followed, would have prevented HIV/AIDS from becoming the monster pandemic it has become.

If you have viewed the film, you know it is a hard-hitting documentary exposing how Western donor nations are now using financial aid as a weapon to force smaller developing nations to adopt a radical sexual rights agenda.  The film also delves into the controversies surrounding AIDS prevention and shows how promoting the use of condoms has been shown to increase HIV infection rates for a number of reasons, which are explained in the film.

The indictment against the sexual rights approach to AIDS prevention is even stronger in light of the fact that the data showing that promoting condom use does not reduce HIV infection in generalized epidemics have been available for some time.

There are plans underway now to show Cultural Imperialism on a TV station that broadcasts throughout the Caribbean region.

If you have not had a chance to view this documentary yourself, I hope you will.  Clickhere. 

We will soon be launching our next documentary, “Homosexuality and the Boy Scouts: What’s at Stake,” which looks at the controversy now raging in the U.S. over whether the Scouts should change their longstanding policy on prohibiting openly homosexual individuals from participating in Scouting.  The film presents science and clinical experience on the nature of homosexuality and how it develops and shows that changing this policy could be harmful to boys in Scouting who may be vulnerable to developing same-sex attraction.

We will also soon be releasing a longer documentary on the subject of homosexuality showing how individuals with unwanted same-sex attraction can benefit from therapy.

We are excited that posting these documentaries and presentations on the Internet and making them available to pro-family activists and policymakers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year is helping in the defense of families and family values around the world.

Please consider making a generous gift to support our work so we can continue to create these important tools.  You can easily and safely do that online here.  If you prefer, you can also print out a form and mail in a check.  For readers living outside the U.S., it may be more convenient to contribute through PayPal here. 

Thank you for whatever you can do to help in this important work!

Sharon Slater
Sharon Slater
Family Watch International

P.S. Family Watch is a charitable organization under IRS code section 501 (c)(3), so contributions are tax deductible for U.S. taxpayers.



News Items of Interest


Putin Orders Ban on Adoption by Foreign Same-Sex Couples.  After the French National Assembly approved same-sex marriage and adoption, Russian president Vladimir Putin ordered an end to the adoption of Russian children by homosexual couples.  Children’s rights ombudsman Pavel Astakhov vowed he would ensure that Russian orphans are only adopted by traditional, heterosexual families.  The Russian Family Code does not allow same-sex marriage.  Read more here.


Over 330 Million Abortions in China Under One-Child Policy.  Figures from the Chinese health ministry reveal that since 1971, when China enacted its one-child policy, 336 million babies have been aborted.  Almost 200 million men and women have been sterilized and 400 million intra-uterine devices have been inserted in women—some by force. There are 1,500 abortions every hour in China.  Read more here.

French Study Finds 20 Deaths Annually Caused by Contraceptive Pill.  A study by the National Agency for the Safety of Drugs and Health Products found that the use of contraceptive pills causes about 2,500 blood clots in women each year, and 20 women die each year from blood clots that lodge in the brain or heart.  Read more here.

Federal Judge Strikes Down Age Limits on Morning-After Pill.  Judge Edward R. Korman of New York ordered that the most common morning-after contraceptive pill be made available to girls of all ages over the counter rather than require a prescription for girls age 16 and younger.  Abortion opponents claim that the decision may allow the pill to be given to girls without their knowledge or consent and may also put them at risk for undiagnosed sexually transmitted infections.  Read more here.

Human Sexuality

U.S. Government Has Paid Millions to HPV Vaccine Victims.  Though the government declared the HPV vaccine safe for children as young as 11, they have paid almost $6 million to victims who experienced injury from the vaccine including two who died after receiving it.  There have been 200 claims filed against the government.  Read more here.   

Study Finds Pornography Use Leads to Infidelity.  The study by the University of Central Florida and published in the journal Social, Psychological and Personality Science found that individuals in committed relationships who view pornographic materials are more likely to cheat on their partners than those who don’t.  Read more here.

Homosexual Son Defends Pro-Marriage Congressman Father.  The homosexual son of Congressman Matt Salmon, a pro-marriage representative from Arizona, spoke out in defense of his father’s position against same-sex marriage, saying that it is possible to respect individuals who are same-sex attracted and at the same time support traditional marriage.  Read more here.

South Africa School Found Guilty of Human Rights Violation for Reorienting Homosexual Students.  The Creare Training Centre, a Christian arts academy, opposes same-sex relationships and allegedly disciplined or banned homosexuals from attending.  The school, which also provided therapy for students with unwanted same-sex attraction was found to be in violation of human rights law by the South African Human Rights Commission.  Read more here

Transgender Women  Are 49 Times More Likely to Have HIV.  A study published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases reveals that almost a fifth of transgender women worldwide are infected with HIV.  The meta-analysis reviewed 39 studies involving over 11,000 transgender women in 15 countries.  Transgender women are individuals who were born as biological males but who identify as women.  Read more here.

U.S. Government Agency to Review Sex Change Surgery.  The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services will reconsider covering gender reassignment surgery for patients with gender identity disorder.  In 1981, the agency determined that the surgery was experimental and was not eligible for coverage.  The review was prompted by letters from two individuals.  Read more here.

Religion Helping Reduce AIDS Rates in Africa.  Religious leaders in Africa who preach to their congregants about abstinence and fidelity are being credited with declining AIDS rates in sub-Saharan Africa.  Changing high risk sexual behavior is the most effective deterrent to the spread of HIV.  Read more here.

Marriage Related

Washington Florist Sued for Refusing to Provide Flowers for Homosexual Wedding.  Barronelle Stutzman, owner of Arlene’s Flower Shop, declined to provide flowers for a same-sex wedding ceremony because of her religious beliefs.  The Washington attorney general has filed a consumer protection lawsuit against her seeking $2,000 in fines for each violation.  Washington state’s consumer protection laws prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.  Read more here.

Amnesty International Challenges Northern Ireland’s Ban on Same-Sex Marriage.  Amnesty International and the Rainbow Project will use the Human Rights Act and European human rights legislation to try to force Northern Ireland to legalize same-sex marriage.  Read more here.

American Academy of Pediatricians Supports Same-Sex Marriage. The Academy issued a new policy statement declaring that it is in the best interest of children for gay and lesbian parents to marry.  Some scientists claimed the endorsement is premature because of some scientific research that finds that children of same-sex marriage experience more problems in some areas than children raised by heterosexual parents.  Read more here.

American College of Pediatricians Says Traditional Marriage Still Best for Children.  The American College of Pediatricians released a statement disputing the position of the American Academy of Pediatrics in support of homosexual marriage.  The College reaffirmed that “the intact, functional family consisting of a married (female) mother and (male) father provides the best opportunity for children.”  Read more here.

Republicans Reaffirm Support for Man/Woman Marriage.  The RNC National Committee passed the resolution unanimously on Friday at its spring meeting.  It called on the Supreme Court to “uphold the sanctity of marriage” as it decides two critical marriage cases.  Read more here.

News Items of General Interest

MSNBC Host States That Children Belong to “Whole Communities,” Not Parents.  Melissa Harris-Perry recorded a commercial for MSNBC’s “Lean Forward” campaign and stated,  …we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents, or kids belong to their families, and recognize that kids belong to whole communities.”  Pro-family activists reacted in disbelief criticizing the statement as disturbing.  Read more here.

Three-parent Embryos Possibly Moving Forward in UK.  The UK Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority has advised the government that advanced forms of in vitro fertilization are safe.  A procedure that would replace damaged DNA from one parent with genetic material from a third parent would be used to help approximately one in 6,500 children with serious mitochondrial disorders that can be fatal.  Read more here.

Opinion and Analysis Worth Noting

“If Your Child Is Gay,” by Dennis Prager, is an excellent analysis of the contrast between compassion for homosexual individuals and necessary standards for society.  Read it here.

“Chile and Ireland, Where Motherhood Really is Safe,” by Elard Koch, is a comparison between maternal mortality and legal abortion and challenges the myth that restricting abortion leads to thousands of deaths.  Read it here.

“Transgendered 'Woman' Lies about Therapy 'Torture,'” by Christopher Doyle, exposes the fraudulent testimony presented to a New Jersey senate committee in support of a bill to ban sexual reorientation therapy.  Read it here.

“The Wealth of Nations Depends on the Health of Families,” by Patrick Fagan, examines the devastating impact on the U.S. economy that is a result of the declining rate of marriage and childbearing. Read it here.

“From Roe to Gosnell,” by James Taranto, examines the horrifying account of abortionist Kermit Gosnell and the boycott of the mainstream media of the story.  Gosnell is accused of, among other crimes, to have murdered infants born alive in failed abortions.  Read it here.

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