AZRRT CALL TO ACTION 150327-2050Posted: 2015-03-30 The Bartlett Bunker 3-29-15 ACTION ALERT FROM JOSE BORRAJERO
By Jose Borrajero Follow us on Twitter at Like us on Facebook at In addition to the alerts listed below, these bills warrant special attention. SB1172 prohibits the use of school resources for political purposes. It is being mischaracterized by the ASBA as an infringement on the 1st amendment by claiming that it prohibits free speech. It does nothing of the sort. All it does is prohibit the use of school resources to advance a specific agenda. The very same people who complain the loudest about lack of funding apparently have no trouble advocating the use of those scarce funds to engage in advancing their agenda. Please contact all Representatives and express your support. SB1173 bonds, overrides, funding sources. This is another bill being mischaracterized by the ASBA. They claim that it suppresses schools’ ability to win bond issues and budget overrides. But all it does is require that proponents of bonds and overrides disclose their sources of funding. The only way that such information can suppress voter support is if bond and override proponents try to mislead the public. Transparency and well informed voters are always good things in a constitutional federal republic. Please contact all Representatives and express your support. HB2190 and HB2246 These bills deal with Common Core replacement and parental opt out, respectively. These two bills have been lingering in the Senate because of lack of support by a cadre of Republicans. Please contact both Republican and Democrat Senators. The damage caused by Common Core does not distinguish between the children of Republican parents and those of Democrat parents. There should be some Democrat support for these bills. The following table contains legislative bill(s) that are coming up soon for action in our state legislature. Please contact everyone in the “who to contact” column and ask them to vote yes or no, depending on our wishes.
Footnotes: (1) It is impossible to provide an adequate description in such limited space. For more information on any bill, click the bill number to access the AZLEG page dealing with that bill. If that does not work for you, go to and enter bill number on the upper right hand corner of the main page. (2) For contact information on all legislators click on AZ LEGISLATORS For contact information on House committee members click on AZ HOUSE COMMITTEES For contact information on Senate committee members click on AZ SENATE COMMITTEES (3) When a bill is scheduled to be heard in committee, the location, date, and time are provided. Otherwise the fields are blank (4) Indicates our position. Y = favor, N = oppose. ? = no clear consensus AZRRT RESULTS OF RECENT VOTES 150327-2050 By Jose Borrajero Follow us on Twitter at Like us on Facebook at The latest results of actions on bills that we are watching, as reported on, are as follows:
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