HELP KILL PHOENIX LIGHT RAILPosted: 2015-07-14 Arizona Freedom Alliance 7-8-15
The proponents of light rail are running ads that make Prop 104 appear to be about repairs of road, bridges, etc. But the real bulk of that proposition is about spending your tax money on light rail.
Well, the word is slowly getting around:
There is hope for defeating the big money boys and the light rail system for Phoenix!
The ballot proposal for adding to the Light Rail system in Phoenix is a boondoggle designed to reward contractors who are flooding proponents with money to make sure YOU don't find out the truth about that project. And those same contractors stand to get lucrative contracts to build it from your tax money.
City of Phoenix Prop 104 proposed for the ballot in a Special Election on August 25th, 2015 will feed Democrat election efforts for the next 25 years. And we will be paying for it with tax assessments over the next 25-50 years! It takes a lot of tax money to pay off $31BILLION!
The currently built light rail is losing $millions every year despite the subsidies it gets. No light rail system in the United States ever breaks even much less makes a few dollars to pay back taxpayers for their forced participation! We will soon have unlimited yard signs available!!!
WE NEED the following to STOP Phoenix from violating & abusing the SOCIAL CONTACT that we Citizens of Phoenix have with them!!
1. Volunteers of all kinds but mostly on the phones-- 2. Sign painters 3. Sign installers 4. Social media users to get the message out ! 5. Cash, Cash & more cash --- every $ spent for the message 6 Prayers for our city, state and the U S of A
We have a good plan, right now we are apparently the only game in town---we sure would LOVE to have more!!!
Contact us and/or send check to 104 Wrong for Phoenix-No 104 3402 E Libby St. Phoenix, AZ 85032 602-992-1805 / 602 762 2211 cell.