So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen. ~Matthew 20:16
AZGOP Chairman endorsements "A Joke Amongst Political Insiders"
Posted: 2014-12-28
Endorsements In The AZGOP Chairman’s Race are rapidly becoming a joke amongst political insiders. As one reader points out, endorsements that carry little substance don’t make much of an impression. A caller relays that endorsements are about as worthless as the water boy’s signature on a game program.
·And Speaking Of The AZGOP Chairman’s Race, Graham has stirred up a hornet’s nest for allegedly using the AZGOP e-mail list for his personal re-election campaign endorsements distribution. PCs and registered Republicans who aren’t PCs report getting Graham’s endorsements messages.
·Yesterday, Lori Urban, Graham’s Challenger, asked Graham for a list of state committeemen. Graham responded that the state committeeman list wouldn’t be complete until Jan 10 (the MCRC Statutory Meeting date). As of this afternoon, MCRC Chairman A J LaFarorequested that Graham share the AZGOP list – that he is reportedly using - with Urban. It’s going to be interesting to see how that plays out.
Thanks to AFA for forwarding this info:
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